Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 1: Introduction Lessons

This week has been such a fun and exciting time getting to visit with your students! I was able to visit with all classes, which is a rare occasion for one week! My main focus this week was introducing my counseling program and explaining how I can help students be successful Panthers here at Chinn.


Kindergarteners learned about all of the body parts a counselor has that makes him or her successful. These parts include:

  • On the go feet - I go here, there, and everywhere around the school to help all of my students!
  • Open arms - My arms are open to help everyone: teachers, students, and parents.
  • Caring eyes - My eyes are full of care and concern for all students. I use them to watch out for all of my Panthers at Chinn!
  • Listening ears - I use my listening ears to listen to student problems.
  • Warm heart - My warm heart is full of love for all of my students.
  • Special mouth - My special mouth is full of special words to help students feel better.

First and Second Graders played "Who is Your School Counselor?," a game where they viewed pictures of other staff members and had to indicate whether he or she was the school counselor, and if not, who this person is and what they do. View the prezi here:

We spent the remainder of our time playing a game where I showed students different pictures and they guessed what they represented. These pictures were used to explain the different characteristics of a school counselor and how they help me do my job.

The characteristics we discussed were:
  • Problem Solver - I help students with determining what the problem is and some options to solve it, but they decide what to do
  • Listener - I am here to listen to their problems
  • Friend - I am their adult friend at school who is here to help. They are not in trouble when they come to see me!
  • Helper - I help students to do their best in school by helping them solve their probems and return to class ready to learn.
  • Secret Keeper - I am able to keep students' secrets most of the time! Exceptions to confidentiality include students being hurt, hurting others, or hurting themselves. It can also include being involved with potentially dangerous situations.

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders viewed and discussed a prezi with me that explains a little about me and my program here at Chinn. We also played "The Counselor Game," where students were divided into teams and tried to earn points by answering questions correctly about the counseling program. View my prezi here: