Friday, January 31, 2014

First Grade: Looking for More Clues

For our third rotation this year, we are continuing our unit on Empathy.  We started the lesson by reviewing our four skills for learning: focus, listen, use self-talk, and be assertive. We used these skills to help us be successful in our Brain Builder, "Mrs. Brumitt Says."

We listened to "The Feelings Song," and students learned the corresponding dance moves for the chorus.

  • Everyone has feelings - hug torso
  • We show them on our faces - point to cheeks
  • We feel them in our bodies - hands on stomach
  • We tell them with our voices - cup mouth
Snail came to visit and told the students about his balloon that had popped. Students had to use the feelings clues we already knew (face and body) to determine how Snail was feeling. We also talked about how the words people say and how they say them (voice) can also be clues.

We spent the rest of the lesson talking about two photos. The first one showed a student named Julien who was curious about what was inside of a brown paper bag that was being used for a science activity. We used our feelings clues to determine his feeling: curious. We talked about what clues showed that he was curious, and then a third clue was introduced: the situation. The situation, or what is happening, can help us to identify how someone is feeling. 

We finished the lesson by looking at another student named Rita, who was trying to learn how to double dutch jump rope, but couldn't seem to get it. Students used feeling clues to decide how she was feeling (frustrated), and then pointed out the clues that showed that feeling. Students also identified the situation that was causing this feeling.