Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kindergarten: More Feelings

This week, we continued our second lesson in the empathy unit with more discussions about feelings. Because of the break, we took a few minutes to recap what we had learned in our last lesson: where to look for feeling clues (faces and body), what a comfortable feeling means, and what an uncomfortable feeling means. We also recapped our four skills for learning: focus attention, listen, use self-talk, and be assertive.

We started warming up our brains with a round of Think, Turn, Tell. Students were asked to think about a time where they felt surprised, and when all students had their answers they shared with their partners. Next, we listened to a new song about feelings, where students had specific body movements for different parts of the song. The movements are as follows:

  • Everyone has feelings - hug body
  • They show them on their faces - point to cheeks
  • They feel them in their bodies - hands on stomach
  • They tell it with their voices - cup mouth
We spent the rest of the lesson discussing two different feelings: interested and scared. We looked at a photo of MiKayla, who was listening to her friend explain a new game they could play. We talked about what she may be feeling, and we all agreed she seemed interested. Next, we looked for clues that showed that feeling (eyes wide, looking at friend, not talking). We practiced our interested faces and shared them with our partners. Then we talked about a third place to look for feeling clues: the situation, or what's happening! When we know what is happening, we are more likely to correctly guess how someone is feeling.

We also looked at a photo of a student named Austin, who was at the top of a very tall fireman pole. We agreed that he looked like was scared or afraid, and we found several clues that proved this feeling: his eyes were down, eye brows were down, he was looking down, frowning, he was holding onto the fire pole very tightly. We talked about how we look when we are scared, and how not everyone looks the same when they are scared. We ended the lesson with a review of what we had talked about.