Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Grade: Jobs at Home, Jobs at School, and Career Day

For our second lesson on careers, we spent a lot of time brainstorming the jobs we have at home and school. As a class, we made a list of the different jobs we have at home, and what would happen if we didn't do those jobs (the house would be messy, there might be rats, our home wouldn't be as safe, etc.). Next, we brainstormed a list of the different jobs student have at school: some were expectations (listening, learning, follow directions, etc.) while others were specific jobs students have in the classroom. We talked about why our parents and teachers give us jobs now, and how these jobs help us practice being responsible.

We spoke about how doing these jobs now is good practice for having a career when we are older, and how students will be expected to be responsible in any job they have. We ended the lesson by watching another Buckalope Elementary video where students in the class used their hobbies, interests, and personality traits to come up with a list of jobs that would be good for them. Students next chose a career to research, and the students in the video presented their careers.

We ended the lesson by talking about the importance of learning in elementary school now, and doing our best work. We also spoke about how it is never too early to start thinking about and learning about careers.