Monday, April 14, 2014

Third Grade: I'M IN CHARGE Part 2

For our final lesson, students did popcorn reading to read through their I'M IN CHARGE booklets. We stopped between sections to discuss why the book would say to do or not do certain things. We spoke about the importance of walking with a buddy, not taking gifts or rides from strangers, and why we should ask our parents before going anywhere.

We discussed what constitutes a stranger, and what to do if one comes near you. We also talked about safe places within the community where students can go for help. We also touched on the importance of being alert, and what can happen if you are not aware of your surroundings. We spoke about about why children should not help adults, and how these adults may be trying to trick children. Adults should only ask other adults for help, so it is okay to say no!

We were not able to read through the entire booklet as a class, so I encouraged all students to take these booklets home and discuss them with their parent or guardian. Please take the time to review these with your child and discuss safety plans.